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Thank You to our Platinum & Gold Sponsors!

Wegmans, The Deland House, Harris Beach, R.F. Peck, Bill Gray's

Thank you to our Silver & Bronze Sponsors!

The Magnet, SERVPRO, Hong Wah, Penfield Yoga Therapy, Roland Orthodontics, Campbell Family, Don's Original, Dawson Law, Silver Maple Dental, Penfield Rotary

Information on Player Injuries

Player Injuries

It is the responsibility of every parent or guardian (club member), head or assistant coach and manager to report any injuries sustained by a player in a Striker organized activity.  Please use the player injury report as a guideline.  It can be mailed to Penfield Strikers, PO Box 12, Penfield, NY 14526 or emails to president@penfieldstrikers.org upon completion. 

Insurance Coverage

The Penfield Strikers provide secondary medical insurance coverage through our affiliation with New York State West Youth Soccer Association.  Additional/updated information may be available at the link below: 

Claim Form:


Coverage Outline:
