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Thank You to our Platinum & Gold Sponsors!

Wegmans, The Deland House, Harris Beach, R.F. Peck, Bill Gray's

Thank you to our Silver & Bronze Sponsors!

The Magnet, SERVPRO, Hong Wah, Penfield Yoga Therapy, Roland Orthodontics, Campbell Family, Don's Original, Dawson Law, Silver Maple Dental, Penfield Rotary


To contact the Strikers:

Contact Us

Have a question?  You can use our "Glad You Asked" submission button (left menu bar) to send us a question. Or, if it is specific and would rather contact a specific board member, see our Strikers Board Members page.

Our mailing address is:

Penfield Strikers
PO Box 12
Penfield, NY 14526

All payments can be sent to the above address.

Email: strikers@penfieldstrikers.org